Analysis of Bauer - Grazia Magazine Cover of Irene

Grazia Magazine - Irene
Grazia, the masthead of the Bauer brand, is written in thin pink serif font to emphasis the signification of the brand. It draws the reader's attention and it is easily recognisable. However, Irene, from the group Red Velvet, is covering the masthead which suggests that Grazia has a lot of confidence in their brand.

The colour scheme, being pink and white, connotes a sense of femininity and elegance which appeals to their demographic. The colours, pink and white, conveys a sense of compassion, purity and sweet.

There are cover lines on the magazine written in thin sans serif font. It presents a sense of simpleness but also clarity. Furthermore, the cover lines inform the audience of what the magazine contains.

Bae Joo-hyun, also known as Irene, is the main star image and is presented as important due to Grazia first introducing her by stating "Irene's Power" written in pink and is one of the biggest headings. It draws the attention of the audience and informs them that Irene is the significant figure of this magazine. Irene has a subtle but welcoming smile on her face, making and presenting her to be approachable as an individual. The mid shot shows off her gentle body language and fashion sense.


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