Analysis of Elle Magazine - Zoe Kravitz

Elle - Zoe Kravitz
The brand, Elle's masthead is written in bold white serif font to emphasis the sophistication of the brand. It catches the readers attention and it is easily recognisable to many. the name of the brand, Elle, is covered by Zoe Kravitz as they has confidence in their company.
The colour scheme, being blue and white, conveys a sense of warmth and formality as it is directed to those of a AB demographic. Also, using colour psychology,  the colour blue connotes a sense of trust while white suggests a sense of purity and innocence. This creates an overall soft and friendly look.

Cover line
There are no cover lines on this magazine. it makes it look less crowded and busy and is presented as more classy and refined and having a formal look and image. there is also no slogans or skylines as Elle has confidence in their own brand. Due to absence of cover lines and the extra space, there is a lot of negative space adding to its sophisticated and simplistic look.
Zoe Kravitz is shown in bold white letters as she is the celebrity endorsement for Elle. This attracts her fans and allows the audience to know her personally. There is also a short word summary of what Kravitz is and what she does so that people get to know her even if they do not particularly. This look is primarily feminine based which appeals to the target audience of the magazine.

Main Image 
Zoe is shown to have a powerful stance but quite relaxed body language which creates star power but also relatability. The audience would aspire to be like her, see her as an 'idol' and want to read about her further. The mid shot emphasises and highlights her defined and natural facial expression and make up. This makes her look and seem more approachable as a person.

Direct Address
Star and main image, Kravitz, has a direct eye-line match, with this she creates and builds a sense of intimacy and makes her look more welcoming as a person and invites people to read to read more.


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